Paper Fences &
Other Absurd Constructions
These sculptures relate to the everyday spaces we occupy and exist within - abstracted representations of landscape and body. They are an examination into the relationship between the domestic and the aesthetic construction of landscape. In general, the pieces combine characteristics of objects that we encounter in our domestic spaces and in the outside world such as: staircases, trees, house structures and umbrellas. Each piece is not entirely representative of the domestic or of landscape, navigating in-between; the work is a melding of the two.
The materials used to create this body of work consist of: wood, fabric, paper, cotton batting, wire, thread, foam, plastic, marble, bubblegum and wheels. These materials were chosen in part for their familiarity, reference to craft, relationship to domestic spaces, and their ability to be manipulated. One feels able to inhabit the work because of its association with the body and its connection to sites the body could occupy or exist within. The sculptures are playful, reminiscent of stage props, the landscape of a train set, a birdhouse, a dollhouse with oversized accessories, or a child’s wood blocks.